I loaded the blender with spinach and yellow fruit and some juice and blended it to oblivion.

The resulting color wasn't the most inviting for a popsicle and I started having my doubts as I filled 8 little molds, put in the sticks and put them in the freezer.
I gave the girls the extra mixture as a smoothie that they happily drank telling me it was good. After a quick sigh of relief, I told them the rest was being frozen as popsicles for them. They were totally on board with the idea.
My taste testers all agree that these are really delicious and we must have them again.
I love that they are packed with fruit and veggies and are totally green without any food dye. A win, win for all.
Here’s what I put in them.
1 - 2 cups fresh spinach (I didn't totally measure this part out so it is approximate.)
1 cup frozen mango chunks
1 cup frozen peach slices
1 banana
2 cups 100% juice - pineapple, orange, or apple juice (I used a pineapple/mango/orange combo, it’s really tasty.)
1 quick drizzle of honey (Frozen peaches tend to need some sweetening.)
1/4 tsp. arrowroot (This is optional; it keeps everything thick and creamy.)
Loosely fill your blender with spinach to the top. It looks like a lot but it really isn’t.
Pour in the juice and dump the fruit in.
Add the honey to taste and arrowroot if you are using them.
Blend until completely mixed. The mixture will be very green. The more spinach you use the greener it gets. Just be careful to balance out the spinach with fruit so it stays fruity. Don’t use anything that is red, purple or blue as it will change the color to something completely unpleasant, but adding any yellow fruit you have works nicely.
Pour into popsicle molds and freeze.
This makes roughly 4 cups of smoothie mix.
I wouldn't call them Spinach Popsicles or your kids could give you this face.
Shamrock, Lucky, Dinosaur, Popeye or plain Green Popsicles would be a better name unless your kids love spinach.
Thanks for posting the link for me! These look great...although I agree, I will prob change the name :). We always get Shamrock Shakes from McDonald's for St. Patrick's day, but this would be a much healthier option :)). Plus the kids are super into making our own popsicles right now.
ReplyDeleteYou're totally welcome. :)